July 14, 2015

Our Un-Ho-Hum Life #1

Today is a Tuesday which means I haven't blogged for more than a week which is not good since I promised myself to make at least one entry per week, ideally on a Monday which I aptly coined "Mommy Monday" because, you know, between work and real life I'm hoping to allot at least an hour or so for my Mommy blog on Mondays. That was a mouthful and I don't even know if that made sense.

I was hoping to talk about some of the products I have been using on my kids but I figured maybe I can have something like "Feature Fridays". Then on days I have no "solid" blog entry, I can (or maybe 'should', it depends) have something like A-Day-In-The-Lives-Of kind of thing (although I do have a photo-blog), where there's no actual gem in the story, where it can be as mundane as telling a story how we went to the grocery store or how we watched our gardener sweep leaves.

So on a day like this, when I have no "solid" blog entry (and by solid, I mean an entry written with soul and complete purpose), allow me to have a silly journal-type entry. Shall I call this series...

Our Un-Ho-Hum Life (or OUL)
(Name study still ongoing, hehe)

Their yaya is on leave for her birthday so suffice to say my work took the slow train as I full throttled Mommy duty. I still got a little help here and there but basically they had me and I had them for 48 hours. Here's the report:

SilverPixie's 48 Hour Mommy Duty:

Accidents: One. The computer chair fell backwards with the Dragon on it. Not hurt, just shocked.
Food Report: Too many marshmallows for the Dragon, too many potato chips for the Knight.
Mommy Boo-Boo: Forgot to give them their daily vitamins!
Mission Impossible: Trimmed the Feisty Dragon's hair; bathed them AT THE SAME TIME!
Poop Report: Yes, washed both bums simultaneously throughout both days.
Extracurricular Activity: Rode a dinosaur (again).
Realization: When the Dragon was as young as the Knight today, he was already walking.
Boiling Point: When the Dragon screamed and shouted for more marshmallows during the time we had customers at The Purple Owl. (Let's blame Grandma for introducing marshmallows in his life).
Update on the Prince: Been getting good grades as of late and officially started basketball training! He also got me my fave milk tea yesterday. Ever so sweet :)

Play time also means learning and exploring the world

I was planning to narrate both days but a summary seemed more fitting since, really, nothing much happened. Nevertheless, I feel like short-changing you, my readers, if you get nothing out of my story. So let us wrap this up with: Mothers are imperfect. They're not really the all-powerful Goddesses most humans like to believe. Although, generally, we make sure our kids are clean and well-fed (hey, they had fresh fruits, veggies, rice, meat, and lots and lots of breastmilk!) We do give in to their tantrums from time to time, we sneak in "bad food" sometimes, we forget important things like vitamins, we lose temper, our kids fall off beds/chairs under our watch, and so many other face-palm-worthy things. Such is (a sweet) life!

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