July 24, 2013

Summoning the Sexy You

Disclaimer: my mommy blog is about my children/family. After all, they're the reason why I am a mommy. This post, however, is simply about me. 
The Royal Awkwardness
I was a ballerina as a child, and a lanky basketball player as a teen. Sadly, the result is an awkward adult. I don't exude sexiness, although I try sometimes, it's not who I am. Between giving birth and making an honest living, the Sexy Me (if ever there was a 'Sexy Me') has long surrendered to perpetual hibernation. I do believe my trout pouts a.k.a. duck face and "seemingly brimming with self-esteem" self-portraits are all for show. If you know me in person, I'm 90% geeky-childish-tomboy and 10% trying hard sexy (a.k.a awkward). Might as well call me The Royal Awkwardness. And yours truly had been awkward on a pole.  

Oh yes ladies and gentlemen, I pole-danced. Or rather, I pole-awkward'd.

Oh my, your Royal Awkwardness. You don't even know left from right!
They're ALL facing the other way!
The Dance
Pole-dancing is very physical and it demands the Sexy You. It demands you to stretch and point your toes. It demands you to thrust your milky breasts forward with pride. It demands you to liquefy your hips. It demands you to abandon every inch of your square-ness. It confronts the fact that the female are potent sexual beings, not just people who think of what the kids will eat next, which shampoo is toddler-friendly, and if the mister has sufficient fiber in his diet. It expects you to bring sexy on.

The dance is beautiful. It is fluid and compelling. It is strong and arresting. It summons your Inner Goddess. Within the first hour of trying out this dance, I found myself clapping and laughing, just like whenever my one year old masters a new trick. I believe my hair is shinier and bouncier ever since the dance demanded me to incorporate my mane to the overall choreography. I had it tied in a bun, as per usual, but was asked to make it speak sexy too. Literally and figuratively, this dance wants you to let your hair down.

Moms and Poles
The words "mom" and "pole dancing" aren't exactly the words you'll expect to hear in one sentence. In fact, to some degree, these words are like oil and water. But I guess that's the very point of this class: to prove that mothers can bend, stretch, and twirl around the pole just like any other Jane.

I believe it is one of the few things you should do for yourself as a mother. Dedicate at least two hours in a week to unleash this important part of you. Not for anyone on the bed, but for yourself as you explore and hone this power to perfection. Its potency can make you a complete woman. 

There’s a class specifically dedicated for mothers and it is really heart warming that this kind of dance didn’t overlook “our kind”. We do need to get re-acquainted with our physical-self after enduring pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding.

This class definitely helps you conquer awkwardness, embrace mommy body, and call forth the ‘Sexy You’. By all means two thumbs up from me!

I was like you, my son. I clapped and beamed as I learned new tricks.
Check out my YouTube Vlog HERE!
My last hurrah pose where I literally threw my arm up.
Photo grabbed from fellow mommy blogger Cheska.
Other mommy bloggers in this picture are: Rina, Earth, Glaiza, and Janice.
That's Christine Dy, our bubbly and lovely instructor, wearing Polecats Manila tank top.

Thank you PoleCats Manila for the experience! If only you have a studio here down South it would be perfect for me! Check out PoleCats Manila and their offered classes here.
Shout out to all other mommy bloggers who were there at PoleCats Manila’s Blogger’s Day! We survived! Heehee.